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indian women spirit










For this workshop we will learn how to get guidance and healing for oursleves and others by journeying to spirit.


We will will also meet an work with our power animals, Jouneying like meditation is a spiritual tool that can be used for healing, obtaining information, and working through psychological will gove you a new way of connecting with spirit guides and power animals giving you teachings apllicable to your life right now,


Our journeys give us the guidance we NEED right now, sometimes we are so focussed on what we think we know that we are not open to what spirit Needs us to see.


Journeyers often report that there journeys add up to a deeper spiritual teaching because one journey has built on another. Sometimes going back to read a journal of your journeys you see that you were walking a path of deep learning.


DATE:     10 August 2019                          VENUE:    Windsor Spiritualist Church

               Journey Power Animal               START:     10.30am    Bring packed lunch


DATE:     1 September 2019                      VENUE:    Slough Spiritualist Church

               Introductions to Shamanish        START:    10:30am  Bring packed lunch


DATE:     7 September 2019                      VENUE:    Light on the Hill - Harrow - Spiritualist Church

               Medicine Wheel                          START:    10:30am  Bring packed lunch


DATE:     14 September 2019                    VENUE:    Woking Spiritualist Church

              Journey Power Animal                START:     10:30am  Bring packed lunch


DATE:     19 October 2019                         VENUE:    Chesham Sun House

               Past Life Healing                        START:     10.30am  Bring packed lunc


DATE:     26 October 2019                         VENUE:    Woking Spiritualist Church

               Fire Ceremony                           START:     10:30am  Bring packed lunch


DATE:     2 November 2019                        VENUE:    Light on the Hill - Harrow - Spiritualist Church

               Ancestral Healing                        START :   10:30am  Bring packed lunch


DATE:     9 November 2019                        VENUE:    Maidenhead Spiritualist Church

               Fire Ceremony                            START:     10:30am  Bring packed lunch


DATE:     16 November 2019                      VENUE:    Chesham Sun House

               Medicine Wheel                          START :    10:30am  Bring packed lunch


DATE:     23 November 2019                      VENUE:    Chesham Sun House

              Fire Ceremony                             START :    10:30am  Bring packed lunch



                             PRE BOOK EITHER WITH MYSELF OR CHURCHES

REIKI I    -  One Day Workshop - Start 10h00am Finish approx 17h00  Cost £ 90.00

REIKI II   -  One Day Workshop - Start 10h00am Finish approx 17h00  Cost £ 90.00 (3 Months after Reiki I)

REIKI MASTERS - One Day Workshop - Start 10h00am Finish 15h00  (One Year after Reiki II)


Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached. This causes the negative energy to break apart and fall away. In so doing, Reiki clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy natural way.


The Effect of a Reiki treatment are:

Balances the Energy

Increases Awareness

Heals the Whole person

Amplifies Energy, recharge your life-force Energy

Releases Stress

Works on causal level of dis-ease

Helps the release of Emotions

Increases Creativity


As Reiki is guided by a Higher Intelligence it works holistically, so its effects are not limited to the physical body but also affects the Mind, Emotions and Spirit, Healing, Harmonising and Balancing the Whole.

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This workshop teaches you the medicine wheel as a way of life , to see things more clearly , a series of maps and guidance to help you understand life as it is now. Looking into a mirror and seeing for the first time what spirit needs you to see for yourself for the first time. We normally ask our guides for help and assistance for what we THINK WE NEED, the medicine wheels shows you what you need to look at now. geeting guidance from the medicine wheel can be done as frequent as you need it,


Walking the medicine wheel


>  we will see what we NEED to know most now,

>  what changes if any do we need to make right now

>  understand what is happening in our lives right now


The Medicine wheel teaches us to walk the walk and talk the talk !


FIRE CEREMONY - Bring with you a small dry tree branch (no bigger than a ruler) to burn


Ceremony to let go of the old that no longer serve us and to invite in the new.  We will journey to get guidance on "old endings" (letting go) and what we need to "invite in" for our New beginnings.


Mystics and sages throughout the ages have taught us that "intention" is the mother of "invention"  - the thought is the parent of the deed.

We take this time to clarify and purity and (re)-vitalise our hopes and dreams for the coming year - knowing that in doing this we will be taking our ancient and rightful place in the growth, unfolding potential and fruitfulness of nature.


Consider our own purification (LETTING GO of what is no longer needed in our continuing life journey). New beginnings require "old endings", clearing out "space" in our thoughts, attitudes, values, beliefs and activities in order to make room for the New beginning which we desire and envision.


Let us take care of ourselves, cleansing, clearing and being filled with newly charged energy carrying our hopes and dreams.




Shadows are energies that can trigger pessimistic thoughts, not a bad thing at all, as we need this to balance ourselves. Saying that, there comes a time when certain Shadow selves no longer serve us.


The bad news is many people go through life not realizing they are held in bondage by their Shadows. The good news is that regardless of how long you have been suffering, it is never too late to release your Shadow part that no longer serve you, freeing your spirit and creating space for Shadows that serve you now.


We all have light and dark within us, one can not be without the other. (day and night) This workshop let us release our Shadow/s that no longer serve us. Let Spirit guide you, advising you what you need to release, be grateful for it serving you when you needed it and the lessons it brought you.


This is a fun workshop as we will be working with clay and let our Inner Child have fun creating Spirit Houses. (which we build to house our Shadow/s which we no longer need.) These little shelters, some simple and some elaborate, are erected to honour the Shadow/s for the lessons it brought us.


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